Refund Policy

No refunds will be given on the purchase of any course or service.

We provide 100% refund for duplicate payments only if the request is raised within 7 days of payment.

To claim a refund of duplicated payments, Kindly follow the below process:

1. Drop an email to: with the subject “Duplicate payment return”. (Please do not forget to provide the registered email id and the payment receipt of the transaction)

2. Give an explanation about the payments has been made. [for our internal purpose only]

3. Depending on your card issuer, it may take up to 30 days to complete the refund.


If you paid using a debit/credit card, the refund will be made to the same card.

If you paid via bank transfer, the amount will be refunded to the same bank account.

If you paid using any other source (PhonePe, Google Pay, etc) it will be refunded back to the same source.

Please note: No refund in the form of Cash is made under any circumstances.